Men are hurting.
They hide their pain.
The result?
Men are dying by suicide 388% more often than women.
Men are drifting. So many have lost purpose and direction.
The result?
1 in 5 men admits to cheating on his wife. America leads the world in fatherless homes. According to the 2020 US Census, 1 in 4 children—or 18.4 million—grow up without a father in the home.
Men are faking it and disconnected to their feelings.
The result?
Most men are “successful” outwardly, yet many are barely holding it together and terrified someone will find out. Nearly 1 in 10 men struggle with depression and anxiety, but more than 50% don’t seek help. Many men cope by using alcohol, illicit drugs, pornography to ease the pain.
Greg’s experience in the untamed Rockies that changed his life forever.
Greg’s experience in the untamed Rockies that changed his life forever.
“Last May, Seednet brought a number of men to spend a weekend at Reclaim Ministries. As soon as we landed in beautiful Denver, Todd picked us up and headed to The Lost Creek Wilderness. I’m going to be honest, it would have been nice if he eased this city boy into it first, but we went right for it. Right for the wilderness! This honestly sent me into a bit of a panic being so far out of my “comfort zone,” but I think this was in His plan for the weekend.”
“I was blessed to be able to fly out to Colorado and film a Wilderness Intensive for Reclaim Ministries. As you can probably imagine I was stoked to be able to travel out to one of my favorite places on earth and be able to use one of the gifts the Lord has given me to help one of his ministries. I remember when I first met Todd and Jon, immediately I remember thinking “These guys are legit!” On the ride up to the trail head, Jon said to my brother and me “I want you guys to know, that even though you are here to film, if God starts working on your hearts the video and filming comes second”. When I heard him say that I really didn’t know what to say, I mean I was there to help them, not the other way around.”
“Thanks for praying for our trip! Praise God that He met us in the wilderness and changed us. Generational sin was broken, lies once believed were renounced and burned, and 7 men from Ashland, Ohio reclaimed their identity in Christ and picked up the mantle of masculine leadership!”