You are not meant to do this thing we call life alone. The power of experiencing “life to the full” is in experiencing Adventure, Battle and Beauty with a group of men that becomes a band of brothers. At Reclaim we believe long term relationships are critical to experiencing freedom and life. Whether this is through one of our regularly scheduled national events, connecting with someone for a hike through our Adventure Network, or plugging into a local Reclaim chapter…our focus is always on building local groups of men who “do life” together!
Reclaim local chapters are groups of men who intentionally and regularly connect to pursue wholeheartedness, freedom and life. These groups are intentional about going to where men are and inviting men into activities that develop and establish relationships through shared adventures that men love. (intro copy for Get involved parent page) Local chapters include bi-weekly Trek (hyperlink to Trek page) or Campfire (hyperlink to Campfire section below) meetings and a variety of activities and adventures such as, off-roading clubs, movie nights, running and hiking groups, archery leagues, local pub night, martial arts, etc. Typically, local chapters meet every other week for Trek and/or a Campfire. In the off week, the local chapter leaders meet for training, prayer, and strategy to go where men are. Local Chapters commit to the Reclaim vision and mission. We give insight and advice when needed and offer leader training and strategy for local chapter development. Our goal is minimal management and oversight of local chapters. Each chapter’s commitment to the Reclaim vision and mission keeps us unified toward our objectives. Each group will best know how to engage with the men in their community.
We lead men to full life through the process we call Trek. ‘Trek’ is used because it describes an intentional and arduous journey. The journey is about a man’s heart and his need for freedom and life…that Jesus longs for him to experience.
Trek is like a hike up the side of a mountain in wild and rugged country – the journey is not easy, but the reward is sweet. As you climb, the thinning air slows you down, forces you to breathe more deeply and focus on each step. And when the summit is reached, you realize that something has been awakened with you and the clarity you’ve gained is life giving.
That’s how Trek is for a man. Trek starts with a small group of men, some may know each other, others may not. Led by a facilitator, the men in Trek become a band of brothers as they begin to understand three key truths: things are not what they seem, we’ve been born into a world at war, and we have a crucial role to play.
Trek is a process that guides men through a specific course material which consists of four phases, each is roughly 12 sessions. Men who have gone through Trek describe it as one of the most significant experiences of their lives.
To begin this journey it takes a heart submitted to God and a desire to become the man God created you to be. “Learn more about Trek”
The purpose of a Reclaim Wilderness Intensive is to get you into the wild, out of your comfort zone, and give you the opportunity to wrestle with the big picture questions of who God is and who you are. These four-day backpacking trips are true wilderness experiences and are designed to challenge you both spiritually and physically.
Reclaim offers Wilderness Intensives with several different themes, some are geared towards fathers, others towards husbands, some towards men in leadership positions – but the goal is always the same: to invite men deeper into the invitation Jesus offers us to live in freedom as men who are fully alive.
Engaging men where they are and relationship-building are the keys to Reclaim. And we’re training men to do it — to go— with strategy, purpose, and mission. We call these men Reclaim Campfire Guides (RCGs) and Reclaim Intensive Guides (RIGs).
RCGs and RIGs are the life-blood of Reclaim. These well-trained volunteer leaders are equipped to reach into our culture and cultivate meaningful relationships — and leverage wild, rugged, untamed places to connect with men — directly addressing the lies that men believe about themselves and God.
Reclaim offers robust training programs to qualify and equip men as RCG and RIG leaders. Programs are a combination of knowledge-based and hands-on training.
If you are interested in partnering with Reclaim at a leadership level click the button below.