We lead men to full life through the process we call Trek. ‘Trek’ is used because it describes an intentional and arduous journey. The journey is about a man’s heart and his need for freedom and life…that Jesus longs for him to experience.
Trek is like a hike up the side of a mountain in wild and rugged country – the journey is not easy, but the reward is sweet. As you climb, the thinning air slows you down, forces you to breathe more deeply and focus on each step. And when the summit is reached, you realize that something has been awakened with you and the clarity you’ve gained is life giving.
That’s how Trek is for a man. Trek starts with a small group of men, some may know each other, others may not. Led by a facilitator, the men in Trek become a band of brothers as they begin to understand three key truths: things are not what they seem, we’ve been born into a world at war, and we have a crucial role to play.
Trek is a process that guides men through a specific course material which consists of four phases, each is roughly 12 sessions. Men who have gone through Trek describe it as one of the most significant experiences of their lives.
To begin this journey it takes a heart submitted to God and a desire to become the man God created you to be. “Learn more about Trek”