Thanks to all of you who, hosted, attended, cooked for, setup, staffed, tore down and prayed this past weekends Manhunt into existence!
Over 60 men from all over Ohio (and at least one from out of state) showed up on a snowy February morning to hear: the story of Reclaim, Jesus proclaimed, how He can rescue us, use us to rescue other men, and learn how to join the remnant of men that God is raising up to proclaim Jesus in our families and communities. Not to mention – eat 30lbs of bacon, dozens of freshly baked muffins, gallons of coffee, blast hundreds of clay targets and shoot at the archery range. It was truly a blast!
Please pray for the Gospel seeds that were planted here, I personally had conversations with several men who need Jesus to rescue them and help them reclaim their true identity and purpose as men.
Also pray for the 40 men who heard how to become part of Reclaim at a local level. As a result in the coming weeks we will be launching local Reclaim campfires, promoting upcoming wilderness intensives as well as putting together service teams to work at our Colorado base camp. Praise God!