“When are things going to get back to normal?!” I’ve lost track of how many times this question has come up! Can you relate? Over the past 4 months life has felt like holding my breath, the way you do when bracing for impact, waiting for the worst to pass…only to realize that there is some new crisis waiting in the wings.
Do you find yourself wondering: “Where is THIS all coming from?” I certainly have and do. It’s a worthwhile question to ask. It’s also important to realize that THIS isn’t all coming from a virus. It isn’t all coming from our political parties or even from upset people. In fact, human sin alone is insufficient to fully explain what is going on in our world right now.
The forces that are ravaging our world right now are the result of the spirits of hatred and death being released on the earth by the kingdom of darkness. I personally have felt these influences in my own life, trying to get in, like water trying to penetrate a submarine!
Friends, the battle between good and evil is on full display right now. The battle is for the human heart. It is for your heart. Jesus warned us that the battle would ramp up near the end and now is the time to ‘be alert and of sober mind’ and ‘guard our hearts’
I am learning that guarding your heart is the daily process of surrendering your heart to God; asking Him to show you what you do not see and standing firm in the authority Jesus gives us to cast out fear and hatred. THIS is how we thrive in the desert; how we keep our love from growing cold towards the very people Jesus calls us to serve.
These past 4 months have been incredibly frustrating…and yet fruitful. God is redeeming what Satan hopes will divide and conquer us! Men are coming to Christ! Men who have known Christ for years are being awakened to the true nature of the Story they’ve been born into, the role they’ve been given to play and how VITAL it is to live from a heart that is fully alive.
We are seeing these things happen within Reclaim daily (and you’ll hear a couple of incredible stories about it very soon)! The Kingdom of Light IS truly advancing in a very dark world!
Thank you ALL for your prayer, friendship and support, we could not do this without your faithful support!
For Freedom and Life,