Would you please partner with us in prayer over next weeks wilderness intensive? We have a dozen men attending this event. Guys begin arriving July 11. The intensive officially begins July 12 at 9 AM and concludes July 15 at 9 AM. We will be in the Mt. Evans wilderness for 3 days. Here is a picture of our destination.
Please pray for the men coming as they will undoubtedly experience intense spiritual attack between now and the conclusion of this event, some may be tempted not to come, please pray that truth will prevail and that they would sense that they need to be here.
Pray for the gospel to be proclaimed clearly, for the veil to be lifted, for healing of wounds, for deeper unity with Jesus, for open hearts and minds, for safety physically and spiritually and for rain between now and then! (strange thing to pray for on a backpacking trip I know, but fire risk is high as it is very dry here).
Each one of these intensives over the years has been life changing for many of the men attending. They have also been heavily opposed in the spiritual realm. Please pray for us as leaders to be alert and aware of our surroundings, how to engage the enemy and how to care for the men on this trip. Please pray for our families while we are gone – pray peace and protection over our households – summon God’s angels to destroy anything raised against us our families in the physical or spiritual realm.
Thank you for joining with us in this way. We will report back with stories after the event!