Last weekend we took 11 men deep into the Mt Evans Wilderness, we climbed 2500 vertical feet over 12 miles to intentionally climb a mountain to meet with God.
The purpose of a wilderness Intensive is to intentionally take men deeper into their restorative journey with Jesus. Men come in the context of relationship (from existing Reclaim Campfires or Summits) and then are sent back into those relationships after the intensive. This allows our Reclaim ministry model to stay relationship focused vs event driven.
Just as Jesus frequently withdrew to lonely places to hear from his Father. We were challenged to pull away and ask questions that we frequently avoid as men: what does it mean to be a man? What is the goal of our faith as men who follow Jesus? What is the sustaining force or anchor of my life as a man? What agreements have I made with life? What kind of Christianity am I offering my heart and those around me?
As one man put it “you’ve opened a pretty big can of worms…and you’d better have some answers!”
Many lies, agreements and counterfeit hopes were exposed, disarmed and broken and new truth, identity and hope was discovered. This was one of the most powerful intensives I have been a part of. I was brought to tears several times as men renounced lies and invited Jesus to restore their hearts to unity with our Father.
Several of the men described this trip as “life changing”, one said words could hardly describe the healing he experienced. Here is a story from one man: “I think my experience on the Reclaim Intensive can best be described by the word “freedom”. I went into the trip not knowing what to expect and without any of my own expectations. It was in that setting that God was able to speak to me clearly. Being in the mountains allowed me to turn off the noise that everyday life is constantly filled with, and I was able to just listen for God. He showed me several of the lies that I have believed about myself for quite a while; lies that have been holding me back from my full potential in life and in faith. Lies that have made me question myself and my masculinity. Lies that told me I am less than a man, that I will always fail, and that I am my only true source of security. I heard the truth about myself in a powerful way during this trip. I heard from God, and almost as importantly, I heard from the men of God who were with me. The truth is freeing me.”
Thank you for praying for this trip and please pray for the men to remember what they received on this mountain as they head back home.